Hello! I’m Peter, an engineer, researcher, and coder passionate about solving complex problems, advancing engineering design, and embracing the challenges of continuous learning.

šŸš€ About Me

  • šŸŽ“ Postgraduate Researcher in Engineering Design, exploring innovative solutions and methodologies.
  • šŸ’” Developer of CAD refactoring techniques and a pioneer in characterising CAD smells, aiming to enhance design efficiency and maintainability.
  • šŸ’» Participant in the Advent of Code, where I challenge my coding skills and share solutions. See some of my solutions.
  • šŸ› ļø Advocate for clean code and software architecture. I am a self-taught programmer who is always striving to improve my practices.
  • šŸ“– Enthusiast of non-fiction and fantasy literature with a keen interest in the intersections of storytelling, creativity, and technology.

šŸ“š Publications

I’ve contributed to various publications in engineering design, focusing on practical and theoretical advancements. For a detailed look at my research and publications, check out my Google Scholar profile.

Conferences, Presentations and Talks

2022šŸŽ¤ Can you graph CAD?Design Computing and Cognition - Best Poster
2022šŸŽ¤ CAD RefactoringCAD Conference and Exhibition, Beijing
2022šŸŽ¤ Does CAD smell like code?DESIGN Conference 2022, Croatia
2020šŸŽ¤ Project ArmeniaRoyal Geographical Society Micro Lectures
2020šŸŽ¤ Project ArmeniaOUEC - Oxford University Exploration Club
2020šŸŽ¤ Variability in CAD ModellingCAD Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona

Certifications and Courses

2024Machine Lerning SpecialisationDeepLearning.AI
2024Neo4j Certified ProfessionalNeo4j
2024Neo4j Graph Data Science CertificationNeo4j
2018Rock Climbing InstructorMountain Training Association

šŸ“« Get In Touch

I’m always keen to collaborate on projects or discuss technology, engineering, and the paths of innovation. Feel free to reach out for collaboration or conversation at hi(at)peterrosso.com