Prioritisation is a critical skill in project management, especially when you’re juggling multiple tasks and resources. One effective prioritisation method is the MoSCoW technique, which helps you decide which tasks you Must, Should, Could, and Won’t give attention to first. Let me tell you more about it.

Imagine you’re about to start a new project. You’ve done your research, consulted your stakeholders, and listed your objectives and specifications. You’ve mapped out most tasks, and one in particular has your attention. But is it the right one to focus on first?

Understanding MoSCoW

The MoSCoW method provides a structured framework for evaluating your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Here’s what each letter stands for:

M: Must Have

Features or elements in this category are non-negotiable. They might be required for legal or safety reasons, or the project might be pointless without them. These are the critical functionalities that must be delivered for the project to be considered successful. Without these, your product can’t ship. For instance, if you’re developing a medical application, the functionality to store patient records securely would be a “Must Have”.


  • Legal Compliance: Features required to meet regulatory standards.
  • Core Functionality: Essential features that make the product usable.
  • Safety Requirements: Elements necessary to ensure user safety.

S: Should Have

These are important initiatives that are not essential but add significant value to your product. Should Have items are the next level of priority; they are important but not critical. They enhance the user experience and improve product functionality but are not vital for the initial launch.


  • User Interface Enhancements: Features that improve usability and user satisfaction.
  • Performance Improvements: Enhancements that make the product faster or more efficient.
  • Additional Features: Functionalities that add value but aren’t crucial for the core product.

C: Could Have

These are the details that are not high in priority. Could Have features are nice-to-haves. They can be included if time and resources permit but are the first to be cut if there are constraints. These are usually enhancements that can improve the product but won’t significantly impact its functionality or user satisfaction.


  • Cosmetic Features: Visual or aesthetic improvements.
  • Non-Essential Add-ons: Additional functionalities that aren’t critical to the main user experience.
  • Minor Bug Fixes: Issues that do not hinder the overall usability but can improve the product quality.

W: Won’t Have (This Time)

Also known as “Wish”, these are elements that you are not considering essential at present. They are out of scope for the current iteration but might be revisited in the future. This category helps in managing scope creep by clearly defining what will not be included.


  • Future Features: Enhancements planned for later phases of the project.
  • Non-Priority Tasks: Tasks that do not align with the current project goals.
  • Optional Requirements: Elements that are nice to have but do not impact the project’s success.

Why Not Use High/Low Priorities?

In many projects, using high, medium, low, or numerical priorities (like 1-5) is common. However, these can be subjective and inconsistent, especially in a team setting. What one team member considers high priority, another might see as medium. The MoSCoW method defines each priority category clearly, reducing ambiguity and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Moreover, the MoSCoW technique provides a clear framework for review over time. As the project progresses, priorities might shift, and this method allows for easy reassessment. It also fosters better communication among team members, as the criteria for each priority level are well-defined.

Applying MoSCoW in Your Projects

  1. Initial Planning:

    • List All Tasks: Start by listing all tasks, features, and requirements.
    • Categorise: Assign each task to one of the MoSCoW categories based on its necessity and impact.
  2. Review and Adjust:

    • Team Review: Discuss the priorities with your team to ensure consensus.
    • Stakeholder Input: Involve stakeholders to validate the priorities and ensure alignment with their expectations.
  3. Iterate and Refine:

    • Regular Check-ins: Periodically review and adjust priorities as the project evolves.
    • Flexibility: Be prepared to move tasks between categories as new information emerges or project scope changes.

Real-World Example: A Mobile App Development Project

Let’s consider a hypothetical mobile app development project to illustrate how the MoSCoW method can be applied.

Must Have:

  • User Authentication: Ensuring that users can securely log in and access their data.
  • Data Encryption: Protecting user data through robust encryption methods.
  • Basic User Interface: A functional UI that allows users to navigate the app and perform core tasks.

Should Have:

  • Push Notifications: Informing users about updates and reminders.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Providing users with insights into their usage patterns.
  • Enhanced Security Features: Additional layers of security, such as two-factor authentication.

Could Have:

  • Social Media Integration: Allowing users to share content directly from the app.
  • Custom Themes: Providing users with options to customise the app’s appearance.
  • Gamification Elements: Adding badges and rewards to enhance user engagement.

Won’t Have (This Time):

  • Advanced AI Features: Complex algorithms for personalised recommendations planned for future iterations.
  • Offline Mode: Allowing users to access limited features without an internet connection, slated for a later phase.
  • Extensive API Integrations: Integrations with other services that are not critical to the app’s initial launch.

Benefits of MoSCoW

  1. Clarity: Clear definitions of priorities help in understanding what is critical and what is not.
  2. Focus: Helps the team stay focused on delivering essential features first.
  3. Flexibility: Allows for easy adjustment of priorities as the project evolves.
  4. Efficiency: Reduces the time spent on debating priorities, leading to quicker decision-making.
  5. Stakeholder Satisfaction: Ensures that the most important needs of stakeholders are met first.


The MoSCoW prioritisation technique is a powerful tool for project managers and teams. By categorising tasks into Must, Should, Could, and Won’t, you can ensure that the most critical elements are delivered first, adding significant value to your projects. It provides a clear and structured approach to prioritisation, reducing ambiguity and enhancing team collaboration.

Next time you start a project, set these priorities early on and see how it improves your workflow. Share your experiences and insights—I’d love to hear how the MoSCoW technique has worked for you!